In the early days of 2023, designers are already making color forecasts that are set to make a statement this year. Let’s explore the three hottest colors that professionals are predicting to dominate in various fields, including presentation design.

A Resurgence of Red Tones

The return of vibrant orangery-reds has been identified as the most significant color trend for 2023. This bold reddish-pink hue, like Viva Magenta, has been featured prominently on Adobe’s Color Trends library and House Beautiful’s list of top color trends. However, when incorporating red into presentation design, it’s crucial to consider color vision deficiency (CVD). Red is challenging for people with CVD to see, so it’s essential to use color accessibility tools to ensure inclusivity.

The Comeback of Browns

Gray had its time, and now it’s the era for browns to shine. Earthy and warm, brown tones evoke feelings of connection to nature. Although widely used in home and fashion design, brown can also work well in graphic design. Consider substituting black and gray with rich brown tones to add depth and create trendy, monochromatic color schemes in your presentation media.

The Rise of Lavender

Lavender has been selected by some trend forecasters as a prominent color of the year. This pastel shade, known as Digital Lavender, promotes feelings of wellbeing and calmness due to its shorter wavelength. Experiment with lavender as a primary color in your presentation’s color scheme, ensuring proper contrast with other colors to maintain visual balance.

Elevate Your Presentation Design with VGDS Global

Color choices play a significant role in setting the tone and emotions in presentation design. If you’re unsure where to begin, our expert design team at VGDS Global can guide you in creating modern and fresh presentations that resonate with your audience. Whether it’s incorporating trendy red tones, browns, or lavender, we’re here to help take your presentations to the next level. Reach out to us now and discover the power of impactful presentation design.

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